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608.240.2800 (press 2)
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Paragon is a web-based program for searching MLS Listings. This means that you will use the Internet, your browser and the following web address to access the MLS: https://scwmls.paragonrels.com. It is a requirement that you have access to the Internet and the most recent version of any of the following browsers installed on your computer. Paragon is compatible with PC, Mac and iPad.
Paragon officially supports the following web browsers:
Learn more about Paragon’s browser compatibility here.
Paragon Connect is a web application that offers the same functionality as the desktop version of Paragon, but is optimized for use on tablets, phones, and other browser-enabled mobile devices. It allows real-time access to your listings, contacts, saved searches, and customized search defaults, and has full search capability with links to full property data, history, associated documents, public records, and access to schedule a showing via ShowingTime. Within Paragon Connect, you have the ability to add & edit listings (including adding photos & documents) directly from your mobile device. Paragon Connect has a very tight integration with Collaboration Center for those who have converted their contacts from legacy email notifications.
Your Internet browser can save your user name and password info so you don’t have to type it in every time you log into Paragon. For instructions on how to do this, and to manage saved passwords later, use the following links:
While browser autofill features can be convenient, internet security experts recommend a password manager instead as the autofill feature on browsers can lead to security vulnerabilities.
When having problems with Paragon such as things not loading, links that don’t work, or other glitches, clearing the cache from your web browser often solves them. For instructions click here.
Q: How do I register for Paragon training?
A: To sign up for a free Zoom webinar click here and choose a session. Basic Paragon training is approximately 2 hours and although not mandatory, is highly recommended.
Q: Do I have to install anything on my computer in order to access Paragon?
A: Paragon is a website that you access using a web browser on your computer. You can access Paragon using the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari web browsers. The Paragon website is https://scwmls.paragonrels.com. No additional software installations are needed.
Q: If I know the MLS number or Address I want, what is the fastest way to search?
A: From the Paragon homepage, type the MLS number or Address in the “Quick Search” section located in the top left corner of the screen. Separate multiple MLS numbers with a comma.
Shortcut: The enter key on your 10-key number pad can be used as a comma in Paragon.
Alternatively, type the MLS number or address into the Power Search at the top of the screen. You can also use the Power Search to search your contacts, saved searches, and for agents and offices.
Q: If I know the location I want to search, do I have to open the location box to find it?
A: No. Simply type the name of the municipality in the box and text completion will display your options. When your option is highlighted, simply hit enter.
Q: If I don’t know the code for a location, what is the easiest way to find it?
A: Again, simply type the name of the municipality you want and text completion will search for it. When it displays, the code will show as well.
Q: My buyer wants a 2 or 3+ garage. When I enter that in Paragon, I get no matches. Why?
A: If you are asking for multiple features within the same feature group (i.e. Garage), you need to add your choices in right column marked “Must Have 1 or More”. There is also a Total Full Garage Stalls field in the secondary criteria. To specify two car or more just enter “2” in the Min field.
Q: How can I print 75 listings at once?
A: Once your 75 matches are loaded on the screen, click on the Print + button, make sure All Listings is selected under Available Print Options, and choose the type of report you want to print. You may pick different reports for the same property if desired. As printing 75 listings at a time uses a lot of paper and toner, you may want to try to view them on the screen first and then select the ones you really want to print. A check box is located near the photo on each view.
Q: How do I change my email address and/or phone number in Paragon?
A: You must email the MLS at member@wisre.com with changes to your member information.
Q: Are there any written user manuals for Paragon?
A: Paragon is updated frequently, so it is difficult to keep a full user manual up to date. There are tutorials that cover portions of Paragon, such as Prospecting and CMA, under MLS Documents > Paragon Tutorials. The MLS Documents link is located at the top of the page when in Paragon. Articles and tutorials are also available on the Paragon Connect help site, which you can access by clicking here.
Q: I got an error that my contact’s email is opted out. How did that happen? How do I opt them back in?
A: Every email sent from Paragon has a link at the bottom that the contact can click to opt out of receiving emails. It could be that the contact was working with a different agent in the past and opted out then. Sometimes this happens in error; if Paragon sends an auto notification and there was a problem at their email server it could bounce back as undeliverable. When that happens it can flagged as a bad address and opted out.
To opt in an email address click here: https://scwmls.paragonrels.com/CCR/paragonsubscriptions?action=optin and put in their email address. An email is sent to that address with a link in it, and once they click the link they are opted back in.
Agent photos and logos can be maintained under Preferences -> User on the Paragon Navigation Bar. To add, change or delete agent photos or logos, click here for detailed instructions.
To minimize the distortion to your property photos when they are uploaded to Paragon, the original photo should be as close to the following as possible:
Because Paragon has strict guidelines for images it will upload to the database, it is important to know how to get your images from your camera, to your computer, and then into Paragon with minimal distortion. If your photos are larger than the recommended specifications you should resize them before adding them into your listing.
Use the free Image Resizer Tool suggested by SCWMLS:
Install the free Microsoft PowerToys Image Resizer Tool here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/install
After installing the tool, Select the picture (or pictures) you want to resize from a folder on your PC (My Documents, My Pictures, etc), Right Mouse Click on picture(s) and select Resize Pictures. To select multiple files, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the file names.
The Internet is another source of tools for resizing images. WebResizer.com offers an easy to use interface, there is no installation or registration required and is completely free of charge. It can also be used to crop photos, rotate, adjust contrast, brightness and saturation, convert from color to black and white or sepia, add a border, etc. It’s fast and because it is internet based, it can be run from anywhere.
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